Lemon Roasted Asparagus

I've decided that if you roast any vegetable then you can turn even the toughest vegetable haters into true vegetable lovers. Test my theory. Take a vegetable you really aren't a fan of, drizzle it with oil and a bit of salt, and roast at 425F until browned and cooked through. Are you converted yet? 

Asparagus is one of those polarizing vegetables - you either love it or you hate it which is why it's a perfect candidate for roasting. When shopping for asparagus, look for thin stalks. The thicker stalks tend to be tough and woody. You should also make sure the color is a vibrant green.  

When you're ready to cook, simply wash with cool water and snap the tough end off the stalk. Preheat the oven to 425F. Spread the stalks on a sheet pan and drizzle with olive oil. Squeeze half of a fresh lemon over the asparagus. A sprinkle of kosher salt is optional. Roast for 20-25 minutes until cooked through and slightly brown. 

Ketogenic Diet: You Asked, ANEWtrition Answers

Recently, I had the privilege of writing and publishing an article for EatingWell.com. Not only was it an opportunity to research a hot topic and speak to experts in the field, but it had the unexpected benefit of showcasing some of the confusion around not just carbohydrates, but the ketogenic diet in general.

EatingWell's Facebook page is active with multiple posts per day, so when the ketogenic article went up, I spent some time reading through the comments. Below are a few of the points that stood out along with my responses:

Myth 1: A high fat diet equals low carbohydrate
Multiple comments consisted of referencing the high fat foods eaten, but few recognized that some high-fat foods also contain carbohydrates. As stated in the article, the ketogenic diet doesn't have a standard definition, but most studies have stuck to 25-50g of carbohydrate or less per day. Dairy is one of the most commonly missed sources of carbohydrate and high fat dairy is still dairy meaning it contains carbohydrates despite the fat content. The carbohydrates in dairy come from the natural sugar called lactose which consists of galactose and glucose. This is called a disaccharide (double sugar) and requires an enzyme, lactase, to be used during digestion. One cup of whole milk contains 12g carbohydrate and a standard container (6oz) of full-fat yogurt contains around 8g of carbohydrate. Eat one serving of each and you're nearing the carbohydrate limit of the ketogenic diet.

A few key points:

1. The ketogenic diet is challenging to maintain and much of the research has relied on controlled environments where food is administered and tightly regulated, a feat difficult to duplicate in the real world.

2. Following a diet this strict makes it more likely that you'll miss out on key nutrients commonly found in fiber-rich, carbohydrate-containing foods like fruits, beans, and whole grains. 

3. Plant-based diets are known to contribute to a lower risk for chronic disease and there is mounting evidence that plant-based diets may be beneficial for the environment. Read more.

4. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, please do not confuse the recommendation of eating more plants, like whole grains, beans, and legumes, to be a recommendation to eat more ultra-processed foods high in added sugars and salt. Simply adding plants and whole food sources of carbohydrates to the diet does not mean you must also add highly processed, sugary, salty, and fat-laden foods to the diet. If I recommend whole grains, I'm not simultaneously recommending all processed, grain products. This all or nothing approach is one of the most challenging and prevalent practices I hear every day in conversations with clients, colleagues, and friends. I see it on social media, read it in blogs and hear it in traditional media. Walk into any major bookstore and the covers of diet books will tell you just how extreme our approach to nutrition can be. The science of nutrition isn't all or nothing. It's nuanced, it's complicated, it's evolving. Nutrition is personal and deeply rooted in culture, environment, skills, access, knowledge, and preferences. Recommendations should be based in science, but flexible in approach and application. 

Nutrition is personal and deeply rooted in culture, environment, skills, access, knowledge, and preferences. Recommendations should be based in science, but flexible in approach and application.

Myth 2: Encouraging the avoidance of the ketogenic diet means the science is flawed and "sugar-funded" studies are behind the information. 
Yes, in its most basic form, carbohydrates are broken down into sugar in the form of glucose, but the package of the carbohydrate matters. If you're talking about a whole grain versus a sugar-sweetened beverage or even a refined grain for that matter, then the effect is much different. Consider the fiber-rich package of a whole grain - this slows digestion, is a source of prebiotics feeding the healthy gut bacteria, and provides phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals known to contribute to long-term health. The sugar-sweetened beverage is simply refined sugar absorbed quickly into the bloodstream resulting in a rapid increase in blood sugar and subsequent insulin spike. 

If we're referencing "sugar-funded" studies then I assume we're speaking of the added sugars in the Standard American Diet. The unfortunate reality is that it makes business sense for a company that creates a product that's high in added sugar to also have supporting research to say that added sugar doesn't harm health, same goes for any company creating a product that features any other type of ingredient whether it be soy, cocoa, berries, etc.. Does this mean that all industry-funded studies are inherently biased? No, but many argue that the number is severely skewed meaning more industry funded studies are biased than aren't. However, it's naive to assume that research does not take place using industry funds since there simply isn't enough public money for the amount of research that needs to be done. As a dietitian, I know it's my responsibility to communicate nutrition science in a clear and accurate way. This includes identifying funding sources and potential conflicts of interest.  

If you'd like to read more on the conflict of industry-funded studies, specifically as they relate to the sugar conversation, then you can do that here and here.

Myth 3: The ketogenic diet improves athletic performance. 
Research has shown time and time again that carbohydrates are the limiting factor for athletic performance. Still not convinced? Read more:  

Re-examining High Fat Diets for Sports Performance: Did We Call the 'Nail in the Coffin' Too Soon? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4672014/

Ketone Bodies and Exercise Performance: The Next Magic Bullet or Merely Hype? http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-016-0577-y

Carbohydrate Dependence During Prolonged, Intense Endurance Exercise. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4672006/


Note: This article does not apply to the recommendation that the ketogenic diet be followed by individuals with uncontrolled seizures or other neurological conditions. In certain populations, this approach is highly successful, but diet modifications should be done under the care of a physician or dietitian.

Easy Vegan Collard Green and Black Eyed Pea Soup

Growing up, my mom always made black eyed peas (for luck) and greens (for money) on New Years Day. That wasn't the only constant from year to year - she recently reminded me that New Years Eve was always a family affair and I remember feeling strange the first time I spent NYE on my own. To this day, we still text each other at midnight. It's funny how traditions last, even if they might look a little different over time. 

Maybe the years of traditions have me craving black eyed peas and collard greens throughout January. I can't get enough of the two! Add some cornbread and I could pretty much eat the combo every day. 


5 cloves garlic, minced
1 large yellow onion, diced
5 carrots, diced
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large bunch collard greens, chopped
2, 15 fl oz cans low sodium black eyed peas, drained, rinsed
2 qt low sodium vegetable broth
2 tsp miso
1 tsp cajun seasoning
2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp kosher salt
pepper to taste (2-3x as much as salt)

Using a food processor, roughly chop onion and carrots. Add olive oil to a large stock pot over medium heat. Add minced garlic and saute until fragrant. Add carrots and onions and cook until almost cooked through. Add chopped collards and let wilt, stirring occasionally. Add broth, black eyed peas, miso, and seasonings. Stir occasionally while allowing soup to come to a soft boil. Turn down heat and allow to simmer for 15 - 20 minutes. Enjoy with cornbread. (The best!) 

Happy New Year y'all! 

New Year, Same You

ANEWtrition isn’t about quick fixes and magic bullets. Your long-term health and well-being deserve more. It’s time to make your New Year authentic and most of all, fulfilling.
— Allison Knott, MS, RDN, LDN

It all started with my email. An undercurrent of frustration with constant New Year resolution conversation reached its boiling point while staring at my inbox. It's full of New Year’s attempts to inspire me to do things differently starting January 1st. From starting the year with a new diet to changing my budgeting habits, the subject lines simultaneously bring me a feeling of hope in a “new me!” and guilt in that “wow, maybe I’ve been doing it all wrong for an entire year or worse, a lifetime.” (Cue the total meltdown) I know I’m not alone in this. I hear it every day – “I will start my new diet in the new year” or “I’m joining a gym in the new year” or “I’ll change my spending habits and learn to save….in the new year.” January 1st brings a feeling of starting fresh, being different, and invokes the idea that we can suddenly be an improved version of ourselves. The feeling is so powerful that we continue to hold on to it year after year despite knowing through our own, personal research, that resolutions fail. And the guilt sets in when we realize that not only do we have personal challenges, but we are being reminded of them in full force this season - as if we haven’t been trying to face those challenges head-on for the last 365 days(!).

Let's be real. January 1, 2017 will be a New Year, but you will be the same you. The same you that worked every day in 2016 to be a better version of yourself. The same you that wakes up with the urging desire to maintain your mental and physical health. The same you that has the ability to transform in a second or the option to take your time in growth and transformation over months or years. The same you that will acknowledge the New Year on January 1st with excitement in knowing that every day brings the opportunity to grow. Embrace the same you. 

Starting today, ditch the idea that you’ll suddenly become a different person with a new relationship to food or a new acceptance of your body on January 1st and instead, realize that every day is your opportunity to take steps in the direction you want to go. Don’t fall into the trap of unsustainable diet extremes or drastic cleanses. You have the wisdom to know that dieting extremes ultimately lead to guilt, deprivation, or a feeling of failure. Own the fact that you didn't fail, but the diet failed you. Own the reality that January 1st isn't any more magical than this very moment. Own the fact that because you aren't making an extreme change or committing to a resolution doesn't mean that you're giving up or are resigning to be stagnant. 

Positive change doesn't happen at the stroke midnight. It happens when you give yourself permission to learn while understanding that you may stumble in the process. Be so humble that when you fall, you pick yourself up and move forward yet again. This New Year, discover your same you. Reacquaint yourself with what makes you feel your best.

Eliminate the negative, outside voices telling you what you should be, should do, or should look like and start with these three, simple steps to get back you in touch with your same you

1.       Unsubscribe and delete emails touting diet transformations, cleanses, or those sneaky new year, new you claims that make you feel like total shit. Am I right? 

2.       Unfollow toxic, unrealistic brands and people on all social media. You wouldn’t hang a before and after weight loss photo of a stranger on your bathroom mirror, would you? Don’t let those images hang in your memory day after day either. We're all different - we look completely different and we have our own ways of accomplishing our goals.  

3.       Write down one goal to begin working toward – today. Not the “lose weight because I think I should" kind of goal. I’m talking about those goals that are what you truly desire. You know, the kind that make you feel great inside and out. Now break it down into multiple, manageable goals and make them specific. Write one of them down and hang it in a place where you’ll see it every day.  


Peanut Butter, Chocolate Granola Bars with Miso

Miso? Like the fermented soybean paste? Yes, the fermented soybean paste. Trust me here. I've ignored this ingredient long enough for the both of us, so it's time to grab a tub of it and make these delicious granola bars. I picked up the traditional red miso by Miso Master at Whole Foods. There are other varieties including mellow and sweet which are exactly as they sound. In general, miso has an umami taste meaning it's savory or sometimes also described as meaty. The sweet/salty combo is what I was aiming for here and it's spot on. 


1 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup steel cut oats
1/4 cup almond flour (can substitute for whole wheat flour)
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
2 tbsp ground flaxseed
3 tbsp crunchy peanut butter
1 tbsp miso paste
1/4 cup honey
1 tbsp butter

Preheat oven to 350F. In a large mixing bowl, combine oats, flour, chocolate chips, and flaxseed. Set aside. In a small, microwaveable bowl, add peanut butter, miso paste, and butter. Microwave on high until butter just begins to melt. Add honey and stir well. Combine peanut butter and miso mixture with dry ingredients. Mix well.

Line an 8x8" pan with parchment paper. Add granola mixture to pan and spread evenly. Press firmly into the pan using a flat surface such as the bottom of a drinking glass or a measuring cup. You should have an even layer of bars for baking. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and press into pan again using a flat surface. When the bars have cooled completely, use a sharp knife to cut into bars. Note: I cut into 18 bars - 3 rows and 6 columns, but any size will work. 

Turmeric Banana and Kale Smoothie

Colder weather usually means warmer, comforting foods, not chilly smoothies. But you won't notice the cold when enjoying this 5-ingredient smoothie featuring warming turmeric. If you're unfamiliar with turmeric then this is a perfect way to start your new relationship. Turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, contains a powerful antioxidant, curcumin, and may have play a role in the fight against cancer. Better yet, it tastes great and is incredibly versatile. 


1 banana, frozen or fresh
1 tsp turmeric
1 cup plain soy milk (or milk of your choice)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 - 1 cup kale

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. 
Note: This smoothie doesn't contain ice, so if you're looking for something that's icy cold then use a frozen banana.

Looking for more ways to use turmeric? Check out this recipe round-up from The Kitchn.

5 Tips for Choosing a Healthy Snack Bar

Something as easy as a snack bar shouldn't be complicated, but the rows and varieties of options available tells a different story. Just take a look at this photo from my local grocery store: 

Overwhelmed yet? Yeah, me too. I've listed the top five tips for choosing a snack bar, so the next time you're in the store use this list to find your go-to options. 

Number 1: Narrow Your Category - Meal or Snack?
There're two categories of bars - meal bars and snack bars. Meal bars are those with 300 - 400+ calories. If you're looking for a meal bar then this list isn't for you. And if your meal consists of just a bar then let's chat (where are your veggies??). Also of note: this list is for the average person - not the professional athlete, body builder, or others requiring more calories than the average population. For the rest of us though, a bar of more than 300 - 400 calories is closer to a meal than it is a snack.  Looking for a snack bar? Proceed to number 2.

Number 2: Added Sugar
Bars coated in yogurt flavoring or chocolate are pretty standard on store shelves. It gets even more confusing when those same bars are boasting “protein plus!” or “antioxidant rich!” on the label. Ignore the front of the box and flip straight to the back where the good stuff is – the nutrition facts panel and the ingredient list. You’ll use these two resources for the rest of your steps, so get familiar with them. First, check the grams of sugar. A good rule of thumb is 10g or less for the entire bar, not half, so check the serving size. Another important consideration is where that sugar is coming from. Is it added sugar in the form of brown rice syrup (a standard in snack bars) or is it sugar from fruit such as dates? There is a difference! Added sugars like brown rice syrup are unfortunately plentiful in the American diet. Women should have no more than 6 tsp of added sugar per day and men no more than 9 tsp. That’s 24g for women and 36g for men (1 tsp sugar = 4g). Until the updates to the Nutrition Facts Panel are put into play then determining the grams of added sugar will continue to require a closer look at the ingredients list. Consider where the sugar is coming from, even within that 10g limit.

Number 3: Keep an Eye on Saturated Fat
Can of worms – officially opened. Is saturated fat as detrimental to your health as once thought? No. Is it something you should eat in excess? Nope. However, what's more important is that saturated fat isn't replaced with refined carbohydrates (read: added sugars), so see number 2. There is still a limit to how much saturated fat is considered healthy for the average person and making sure you’re not going overboard in your post-workout bar or snack is an important consideration. Limit saturated fat in a snack bar to 5g or less. I’m not saying less is better here either. Fat is known to aid in satiety and most likely, a bar with some fat probably tastes better. Don’t let the total fat category freak you out either. Total fat is encompassing of all fats in the food, so not just saturated fat. It includes mono- and polyunsaturated fats as well which are considered heart-healthy fats. Some sources, like nuts and seeds, are a standard in bars which is why the total fat can sometimes be 10g or more. Just keep that saturated fat in check. Read more here.

Number 4: Know Your Ingredients
There really is no number you can put on an ingredient list to call a bar better-for-you. As with any packaged food, ingredients vary and one brand may have 25 ingredients that are all wholesome, familiar, whole foods while another may have 5 ingredients all consisting of things you’d rather not eat. I encourage you to check the ingredient list and make sure you know what you’re eating. Does the bar have additives to modify the color? What about added sugar as we talked about earlier? Are there partially hydrogenated oils in the bar (trans fat)? Take a closer look and know what you’re eating.

Number 5: Love the Taste!
Bars are convenient snacks for the car, gym bar, purse, desk drawer, etc., making them ideal for preventing ravenous hunger, but what’s the point in choking down a bar just because it has your 20g of post-workout protein if you hate the taste? Eat a turkey sandwich or a greek yogurt if that’s the case. Choose a bar that you enjoy eating and one that makes you feel great after you eat it. Realize that some days you may need a bar that’s higher in calories because you’re hungry after a workout or you know you’ll have a later lunch and need a substantial snack in the morning. Other days you may want something lighter or sometimes you’ll only want half of the bar. There are no hard and fast rules here, but the truth is you have to enjoy what you’re eating.

ANEWtrition Favorites

Curate Salted Decadence Bars – the taste is incredible (as in I would eat these all day if I could) and they’re still only 10g sugar
Thrive GoMacro Bars – yum, yum, yum! And all are under 10g sugar
KIND Nuts & Spices – delicious flavor combinations and all around 5g sugar

Spicy Brown Rice and Veggie Bowl with Tempeh

Any food that includes sriracha is a win in my book. If you haven't tried it yet, do yourself a favor and pick up a bottle today. You won't be disappointed! This rice and veggie bowl is a go-to dinner in my house. There's flexibility with the vegetables and grains, so consider it a way to use up what you have in the fridge. For this version I added baby bok choy, carrots, and kale. I've also made it with spinach, mushrooms, and bean sprouts - seriously anything that is a vegetable would taste good in this bowl. Same goes for the grains. No brown rice? No problem, sub quinoa, farro, or even oats. The result? A fiber-packed bowl with at least two servings of nutrient-dense vegetables. 


1 block tempeh
1 bunch baby bok choy, washed and separated
1 bunch kale, washed and stems removed
1 carrot, shredded
1 cup dry brown rice (I used a quick cooking rice)
1 tsp chopped ginger
2 tbsp olive oil

For the marinade
2 tbsp grain mustard
2 tbsp sriracha
3 tbsp low sodium soy sauce

Cook rice and set aside. Slice tempeh (or your choice of protein). Mix grain mustard, sriracha, and soy sauce in a bowl. Add tempeh and mix well. Set aside. Prepare kale and bok choy. Grate carrot. In a wok or sauce pan, add 1 tbsp olive oil and ginger. Saute until ginger is fragrant and soft. Add tempeh and cook until brown. Remove tempeh from pan. Add kale and saute until wilted. Remove from pan and add 1 tbsp olive oil and saute bok choy until wilted.

To build the bowl: split rice between two bowls. Split remainder of ingredients between two bowls. Top with sriracha and sesame seeds. Optional: 1 over medium egg. 

Shredded Brussels Sprouts, Radicchio, and Watermelon Radish Salad

Bitter, spicy, crunchy, colorful. This salad is a simple, back to basics recipe (#btobrecipes on Instagram), and a tasty addition to your holiday table. It's perfect for winter featuring three seasonal vegetables: brussels sprouts, radicchio, and watermelon radish. You'll need a cutting board, knife, and food processor. Optional is the mandolin, a useful, but not necessary kitchen gadget used to thinly slice produce. Note: always use a guard. I can speak from experience, a mandolin and the tops of your fingers don't mix!


1 bag of brussels sprouts or about 3 cups
1 medium head of radicchio
1 medium watermelon radish
ANEWtrition Dijon Vinaigrette with Shallots 

Wash brussels sprouts and trim ends. Wash radicchio, trim end, and cut into quarters. Wash watermelon radish and set aside. Assemble food processor with blade in place to slice vegetables. Add brussels sprouts and radicchio to slice/shred. Use a sharp knife or mandolin to thinly slice watermelon radish. Toss all ingredients in a bowl, add vinaigrette and mix well. Hold in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours prior to serving. 

Dijon Vinaigrette with Shallots

It wasn't until I found myself in graduate school in Boston that I truly learned how to be comfortable in the kitchen. At that point I had been immersed in the nutrition field for over 5 years and had been a registered dietitian for 2 of the 5 years. My signature response when someone asked how it was possible that I could be an RD and not know how to cook was: "I can tell you everything about the nutrients in the food, but I can't tell you how to put it together." I honestly felt like my lack of culinary of skills was justified because I didn't go to culinary school. Another post for another day, but boy was I wrong. 

Is culinary school necessary to prepare delicious meals? Nope. I did what I call, learn on the job, but I have to give credit where it's due. For this one, a dressing I've modified over the years, I give credit to a brilliant fellow student at Tufts University whom I had the privilege of living with for a few years. She was a master in the kitchen and could almost create something out of nothing. The basics of this simple dressing came from watching her make it over and over in our tiny Boston apartment. That experience proved to me that something like a salad dressing isn't daunting and has a much superior taste than many store-bought varieties. 


1 lemon
1 medium shallot, diced
2 tbsp whole grain dijon mustard
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp cracked black pepper
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

Cut lemon and squeeze juice through a strainer (to catch seeds) and into a bowl. Dice shallot and add to bowl along with mustard, red wine vinegar, salt, and cracked black pepper. Mix well. Slowly add olive oil while whisking to blend. 

Dressing can be held in the refrigerator for up to a week.